Thursday, October 31, 2019
How to use a Gold in Wind Turbines Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
How to use a Gold in Wind Turbines - Case Study Example One of the ways of embracing the sustainable activities is through employing wind power in the production of electric energy instead of using fossil fuels to produce electricity (Jamieson 2012). The gadget that converts wind energy to electric energy is wind turbine. The use of wind turbine to produce electricity has been in existence for some time now. However, it was not until people realized that other sources of energy such as fossil fuel and nuclear energy among others degrade environment that wind turbine was widely used to produce electricity (Mathew & Philip 2011). Basically, wind turbine produces electric energy by conversion of the wind’s kinetic energy to electric energy. Wind turbine is made up of a number components which are made from various materials. These components include: turbine, hub, tower, generator, nacelle, gear box, yaw and control system among others (Ancona & McVeigh 2001). Just as mentioned earlier, the components are made from various materials d epending on the environment of operation of the components, and the use into which these components are put in the wind turbine. The materials from which these components are made include: gold, plastics, iron, copper, steel and rubber among others (Blaabjerg & Chen 2006). This paper, therefore, aims at identifying as well as discussing the various ways in which gold is currently used in wind turbine components. The paper will also identify the new ways in which gold can be used in wind turbines. The paper also discusses the various components of wind turbine. The main components of wind turbines Just as earlier mentioned, the main components of wind turbine are: turbine, rotor, tower, generator, nacelle, gear box, yaw and control system among others. These components play various specific roles in order to ensure that wind turbine functions perfectly. The descriptions as well as functions of these wind turbine components have been discussed in the preceding sections of the paper. R otor Rotor is amongst the most important components of wind turbine, and it includes: turbine spinner, turbine hub and blades (normally three in number). The blades of wind turbines also considered amongst the important parts of a wind turbine, and are normally fabricated from the following materials: balsa wood, fiber glass, composites, and carbon fiber among other components (Burton, Jenkins, & Sharpe 2011). The strength-to-weight ratio of these components is normally high, and that’s why they are used in the manufacture of these components. Typically the dimensions of these blades range between 34 meters to 55 meters (Jamieson 2012). When the blades are manufactured, the raw materials are moulded into shapes that resemble airfoils in order to generate lift effect which in turn makes the rotor to rotate. In order to avoid blades from being stricken by lightning, they are sufficiently earthed in addition to being made of materials that can protect them being stricken by ligh tning (Manwell, McGowan, & Rogers 2010). The blades are usually bolted on the hub in such way that the hub is able to rotate, and take advantage of the wind’s varying speeds. The hub of wind turbine is normally made from cast iron that is ductile in nature, and usually considered as one of components of wind turbine with the greatest weight (Mathew & Philip 2011). This component of the wind turbine is usually rigid, and is designed in such a way that it is able to absorb vibrational forces. The hub is further covered by a component known as
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Ethics Case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ethics Case Study - Research Paper Example For instance, they should neither be forced nor be subjected to undue influences. In this case, the child’s mother was not informed (by day care center) of any mistreatment / ill-treatment / neglect regarding her beloved child; hence, the principle of autonomy has been violated. The case comes under child abuse so it should be reported to concerned authorities that would ban the license / registration of that center to avert any further fatalities, thereby saving infants / children. 1.2 - Principle of Non-maleficence The next principle in bioethics is known as non-maleficence that focuses on the least harm to patients (intentionally). For instance, it should be pointed out that certain measures have to be taken that reduces the chance of harm to patients. In addition, the non-maleficence principle also overlaps with due care theory that endorses the idea of care to patients through use of precautionary measures. In this particular case of a child, the day care center certainly neither ensured least harm to the 8-month old nor cooperated with the mother by explaining the condition of her child. Therefore, the principle of non- maleficence is violated since maximum care was not provided to child during absence of her mother. 1.3 - Principle of Beneficence The third ethical principle is known as beneficence that refers to choosing the best option so that greatest good could be done for patients and possibility of evil could be minimized. In this particular case, the best option for day care personnel was to communicate and fully inform child’s mother about the crying, unusual behavior and physical condition of her child so that she could take any immediate measures for rectification. Similarly, the best option for physician was to persuade mother to report the case before court of law instead of satisfying himself that it was not child abuse so it should not be reported. In this way, the principle of beneficence had been violated by the two parties a nd the child’s mother secures right to report and request for punishment to culprits followed by payment of damages (x-ray expenses, physician’s fees etc.). 1.4 - Principle of Justice Another most important principle of bioethics is the justice ethical principle that states that the decision-makers should choose alternatives and make decisions that are fair and that could be justified for all those associated with that case or dilemma. In simple words, the decisions should comply with different ethical approaches. Also, the just and ethical decisions avert the possibility of unrest in the society because the guilty is punished and innocents are protected. In this case, the actual loser in this case is the child’s mother whose trust factor on day care center personnel was affected as well as she had to rush her injured child to hospital, thereby facing emotional and financial issues. Hence, it should be argued in the light of justice approach that the decision sh ould be reported so that the performance of childcare centers could be monitored (Hyden, 1999). For instance, the physicians should also be
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Effectiveness of Garlic Cloves on Blood Pressure: Research
Effectiveness of Garlic Cloves on Blood Pressure: Research CHAPTER-III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research methodology includes Research approach, Research design, Variables, Description of settings, Criteria for sample selection. It further deals with Description of tool, Content validity, Reliability, Pilot study and Method of data collection. RESEARCH APPROACH An evaluate approach will be considered as an appropriate research approach to evaluate the effectiveness of garlic cloves on Blood pressure among patients with Hypertension. RESEARCH DESIGN The research design used in this study was quasi experimental design. E O1 X O2 C O1 O2 E Experimental group C Control group O1 Pre test O2 Post test X Administration of garlic cloves Variables Independent variable: Garlic Cloves Dependent variable: Blood pressure Description of Setting The study was conducted in primary health centre Rural area Alangium community which is 20km away from Sara Nursing College. In the primary health centre general ward facilities are available the population Alangium community 22,097 among them 12,054 are female, 10,043 are consist of north street, and Muslim street. The people get medical aid from the primary health centre one primary school, and secondary school are there for educational purpose. Water and electricity facilities are available. The common occupation in the village in agriculture most of the people are coolie workers, going for construction work and other include and shop. Study population The population of the study was patients with Hypertension. Sample The Sample for this study was patients with Hypertension attending OPD at PHC, Alangium during the study period and those who meet the inclusive criteria. Sample size The total Sample size was 50.Among them 25 were assigned to experimental group and 25 were assigned to control group as per the convenience of the Researcher. Sampling technique Convenience sampling technique was used for this study. Criteria for sample selection The Sample was selected on the basis of following inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria Patient who are between 40 – 60 years of age. Patient who are willing to participate in this study. Both males and Females. Patient with Blood pressure level between 140/90mmHg and 160/100mmHg. Patient who are in anti-hypertensive drugs. Exclusion Criteria Patients with hypertension with other systemic illness. DESCRIPTION OF TOOL Section- A Structured interview schedule for demographic profile Structured interview schedule was used in this tool .It comprised of demographic data such as age, gender, educational status, religion, occupation. No score is given to this demographic profile. The data will be used for descriptive statistics. Section- B Structured interview schedule for Life style Questionnaire A structured interview schedule was used to collect information regarding life style questionnaire such as, duration of illness, history of hospitalization, treatment, dietary pattern, food habits, exercise, recreational activities, family history of hypertension. No score was given in this section and it was used for descriptive analysis. Section- C Observational method to find out blood pressure by using Digital blood pressure monitor. Digital blood pressure monitor was used to assess the blood pressure among patient with hypertension. According to the readings of Digital blood pressure monitor were classified in to normal, pre hypertension, stage I hypertension, stage II hypertension. Based on the category were given. Table 3.1: According to joint national commission VII of early detection and treatment of hypertension, 2003 Blood pressure category Systolic blood pressure mmHg Diastolic blood pressure mmHg Normal And Pre hypertension 120-139 or 80-89 Stage I Hypertension 140-159 or 90-99 Stage II Hypertension ≠¥160 ≠¥100 Content validity Content validity of the tool was obtained on the basis of opinion of medical surgical experts [5 medical surgical nursing specialist,1 medical officer1,1 dietician]. The tool was found valid suggestions were incorporated. Reliability To ensure the reliability of the instrument, blood pressure was checked to 6 patients with hypertension. The reliability of the instrument was established by Inter-rater reliability method and the Karl Pearson coefficient formula was used to find the consistency of the tool.The obtained reliability co-efficient of systolic blood pressure (r=0.8), and diastolic blood pressure (r=0.9) Hence the tool was reliable. Pilot study In order to find out the feasibility and practicably a pilot study was conducted at Sanjay hospital, Palani for a period of 1 week (26.6.2013 to 1.7.2013) 6 patients with hypertension were selected (3 experimental group and 3 control group). Pretest was done for experimental and control group and intervention given for 5 days for experimental group and posttest was done for both groups. The study was found feasible to conduct. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION Ethical consideration; Formal written permission was obtained from the medical officer of primary health centre Alangium. Oral consent of each individual was obtained before the data collection. Period of data collection Data collection was done over a period of 4 weeks from 5.8.2013 to 31.8.2013 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE The written permission was obtained from the medical officer (Dr.Bharathi) prior data collection. The samples were selected by convenience sampling technique oral permission was obtained from them after explaining the objective of the study. The 50 samples were selected know case of hypertension detected at PHC on the basis of convenience sampling technique. Approximately 8 samples was selected daily and 4 samples was allotted to control group and 4 samples was allotted to experimental group pretest was done for both groups. The researcher checked the blood pressure using Digital blood pressure monitor for both experimental and control group then the researcher daily visited the experimental group in home under the supervision of the researcher 10 grams of garlic cloves was given with after breakfast. For the control group the investigator assessed the blood pressure level and advised to continue the prescribed treatment. Posttest was done on 22 th day for both experimental and contr ol group by using Digital blood pressure monitor. PLAN FOR DATA ANALYSIS The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The following plans for data analysis were developed. OBJECTIVES STATISTICAL ANALYSIS To assess the pre and post test systolic level of blood pressure among patients with hypertension in experimental group and control group. Descriptive Analysis: frequency distribution , percentage. To assess the pre and post test diastolic level of blood pressure among patients with hypertension in experimental group and control group. Descriptive Analysis: frequency distribution , percentage To compare the pre and post test systolic level of blood pressure among patients with hypertension in experimental group and control group. Descriptive Analysis Inferential statistics: Mean ,Standard deviation ,paired ‘t’test To compare the pre and post test diastolic level of blood pressure among patients with hypertension in experimental group and control group Descriptive Analysis Inferential statistics:Mean,Standard deviation ,paired ‘t’test To evaluate the effectiveness of garlic cloves on reducing the systolic blood pressure among patients with hypertension. Descriptive Analysis Inferential statistics:Mean,Standard deviation ,Independent ‘t’test To evaluate the effectiveness of garlic cloves on reducing diastolic blood pressure among patients with hypertension. Descriptive Analysis Inferential statistics: Mean,Standard deviation ,Independent ‘t’test
Friday, October 25, 2019
Uganda Essay -- Uganda History, British Colony
Uganda 1. Historical background The country known as Uganda was once a British colony just like the majority of its neighbors in East Africa. It was initially intruded into by the Arab traders led by Speke and the British explorers led by Stanley in 1862 and 1875 respectively. They both paid homage to Mutesa who was the King (kabaka) of the Buganda. Uganda remained predominantly under the colony of the British until 1962 when they were granted internal self government by Britain (History World, 2011). Uganda is a country that covers 7,108 sq mi in area and a host of 33.3 million people found in East Africa. It is bordered by Congo on the West, Kenya on the East, Tanzania and Rwanda on the south and Sudan on the North. It enjoys the equator since it crosses through it and has three major weather areas; the fertile plateau, swampy lowlands and the desert regions. The famous Lake Victoria is found to the southern part of Uganda (The World Factbook, 2011). The topography of the population is such that the life expectancy is 52.9, the growth rate is pegged at 3.5%, the birth rate is 47.5/1000, the infant m ortality rate is 63.7/1000 and the density per sq mi is 392 people (Pearson Education, 2011). According to Encyclopedia of the Nations (2011), the economy of the nations is dependent on agriculture with 80% of the population relying on agriculture for employment and in turn produces 90% o f the export of the country. Uganda also has some deposits of copper, cobalt and the recently discovered oil, however, Uganda just like most of the African countries remain to be among the world’s poorest nations. Health background The Ugandan population is majorly consisting of poor people who live on a dollar or less per... Some of these are the ritual celebrations and festivals like in marriage rituals, weddings, christenings, birth rituals, death ceremonies and even commitments to the spirits and forefathers. There also rituals and celebrations that accompanied the harvests and even the droughts in order to appease the gods for rain. There are also other official dates that are observed in the calendar that are drawn from the Muslims and the Christians as well and more significantly those meant to celebrate the history of Uganda like the Martyrs’ Day on June 3rd, Heroes Day on June 9th and Independence Day on October 9th among others. Generally, the Ugandans are friendly and welcoming like the other East African countries where all one needs to know to get help is the word ‘Jambo’, in short, it doesn’t take too much energy to get help in the daily social life in Uganda.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Be Not Afraid of Goodness
While hearing some talks by Cardinal Mario Bergoglio during the previous week of the Pope’s election, it was mention the word â€Å"coprophilia†as a common reaction by people in front of certain information. This was an answer made to LaStampa. it, an Italian Online Newspaper, about the sensationalist journalism that often publishes scandals about the Catholic Church (qtd. in Tornielli n. pag. ). He explained that this kind of journalism is a result of a sickness called coprophilia, something that most of journalists are in danger to get and by them, people in danger to commit â€Å"coprophagy†, a common sin that marks all women and men (qtd. n Tornielli n. pag. ). After a week, this Cardinal was elected as the new Pope of the Catholic Church. In the moment I heard about him, I run to find those words’ meaning. I discovered that Merriam-Webster Online defines â€Å"coprophilia†as â€Å"marked interest in excrement†(n. pag. ) and coprophagy as â€Å"eating of feces that is normal behavior among many animals†(n. pag. ). Therefore, I started to think about the meaning of those words in context of Cardinal Bergoglio’s answer, now Holy Father Pope Francis. What did he mean about people sick of coprophilia and committing coprophagy when we talk about the scandals of the Catholic Church? Fortunately, the bomb of news about the new Pope’s election and people’s perceptions and comments about him as man and Catholic leader answered my questions. He meant that coprophilia is the people’s tendency – and journalists, as main source of information – to look for the worst part of something in a morbid way, placing the good aside; that makes people – receptors – to commit coprophagy by consuming that negative perspective. Once the Holy Father Pope Francis gave his first words to his people, most of Catholics realized that he was a very humble man who just asks us to pray for him and for each other. In his Homily for inaugural Mass of Petrine Ministry, he mentioned several important facts directed to not just Catholics, but also to all the Governors who were present there in Saint Peter Square, Vatican. He said, â€Å"Let us never forget that authentic power is service, and that the Pope too, when exercising power, must enter ever more fully into that service which has its radiant culmination on the Cross†Holy Father Pope Francis n. pag. ). Also he explained, â€Å"We must not be afraid of goodness, of tenderness†because tenderness â€Å"is not the virtue of the weak but rather a sign of strength of spirit and a capacity for concern, for compassion, for genuine openness to others, for love†(n. pag. ). Those words opened mine mind and heart deeply; I could not believe that simple words like his could move me so much. I felt very happy and inspired by him and wanted to find more information about him and his previous talks and writings as Cardinal. Nevertheless, those nice feelings were shocked by horrible information about him just typing his name on Google. There were several news about him as a participant priest of the Argentinean dictatorship during 1976-1983, as well as accusations of misogynistic activity because of some things he supposedly said about women’s incapacities in a conference. Not wanting to trust that information, I started to ask people. Sadly, I found most of them with the knowledge about the unfounded internet accusations, but not about what he has said about service and tenderness. It was then that I comprehended deeply how people, journalists as the first source of communication, have an excessive interest on the â€Å"secret†or â€Å"bad†aspects of any news and deny people the very good information they can get, as the whole inspiration I received upon initially reading the Pope’s words. After searching on Google and asking people, I started to dig a little bit on certain reliable information. Fortunately, I found that the new Pope’s supposed participation in the dictatorship were false accusations based on pictures of him, from his back, giving the communion to General Videla – Dictator Argentinean President. The picture showed an old thin man as priest, but that year, he was 26 years old, so he could not be that man. Other sources showed as well that people who were imprisoned because of him declared publicly that he was not involved with dictatorship actions. About misogynistic declarations of women in a conference, a program of Eternal Word Television Network did a search about that conference of Cardinal Bergoglio talking about women’s incapacities and recurred directly to the only source that was accusing him, and it resulted that they have said that from a Yahoo forum commentary made by an atheist person who hated the Catholic Church. That person did not have any fundament for saying that. Sadly, all of this false information was spread quickly and most of people were consuming those arguments easily. All this experience made me grow in the way of evaluating mass information, I discovered that despite the fact something could be really good, like the thoughts of Holy Father Pope Francis that everybody can take advantage of, there will be a dangerous filter which will try to show us the worst part of it. However, that is not because of â€Å"evil†journalists, is because of people’s consumption. In general, people do not care about the true behind information; just pay attention to the secret and bad things can be said about something. Therefore, being critical while reading and willing to find the truth, could give us enormous benefits allowing us to know the best part of everything taking care of our minds and hearts.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Groupon Case Study Essay
Groupon has grow from 400 subscribers to 60 million subscribers world wide within five years, it’s fastest growing company in history. Groupon stands for group coupon that requires certain amount of subscribers to sign up for the deal. Moreover, there is a daily deal for local or national business, people can easy to use and redeem, so it raises the possibility for people to sign up. Furthermore, the most significant thing that Groupon is running based on the Internet, so it’s easy for people to discover and shop. Wherever the people are, they can just use their smartphone to check if there has any deal near them. 2. The Groupon Promise is an important rule for customer. Customer can return any Groupon they purchased if they don’t feel satisfied with the products, even if they used, there is no question ask. Therefore, people don’t need to worry about whether they will waste their money if they buy the products they don’t like. There is no risk taken for any customer. 4. There are possible psychological and sociological influences the Groupon consumer purchase decision process. Due to the recession, people have tried to save money, so people who are interested in other coupon websites, they may be also interested in Groupon. Moreover, after customers have used Groupon for several times, Groupon have begun personalizing deal for their customers. This process offers deals for customers that they are more likely to be interested in and purchase. Furthermore, every deal on Gropon websites will show customers how many other customer have purchased, so people won’t think they are the fist person to try the product, and take the risk. When customers see there are a lot of people buying this product, they may think it may be a good product, and I should get one. It enhances the customers to purchase, and quantity that company sells. 5. There are three challenges for Groupon in the future. First, there are customers who are dissatisfied with Groupon, or buy the Groupon and never use it. They are looking for regular customers. In order to solve this issue, I think Groupon need to evaluate the reason why people are not satisfied with their products. They need to control the quality they sell because it can affect or even ruin their reputation. Second, Groupon has difficulty on growth in the USA. There are more deals in US, but they don’t have many customers in here. I think Groupon need to discover what people really need to raise the sale in US. Even though they have more customers abroad than here, US citizens still have a stronger buying power than other countries. Finally, Groupon are competing with other coupon websites. I think Groupon need to keep their current customers by personalize their deals, and sending any promotion if customers have spent certain amount of money. Also, they need to attract more new customers such as giving a coupon, so people can use a free coupon to buy a coupon or products. No mater those customers will be regular customers or not, when they start to use a free coupon, they start the business with Groupon, and they are potentially be the regular customers in the future.
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