Sunday, January 26, 2020
Fifteen Gross Sins Are Listed Religion Essay
Fifteen Gross Sins Are Listed Religion Essay Brenda It certainly does. Seriously, though, working at a reference desk has to be a bit intimidating. After all, anyone is allowed to ask you any question, and you are supposed to be able to find the answer! So, I guess one of the qualifications for the job is that you have to be omniscient! That would leave us all out. But there is someone who is qualified, someone who knows all the answers. In Revelation 2 and 3, Christ includes in each of the letters to the seven churches the words I know your works. God knows us. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses. He knows our needs. He knows the answer to every question in our heart. He is the ultimate reference desk worker. GNB What a great God we serve and worship! And we on Word Alive are privileged to be able to share the information of God with you. Thank you for joining us today. Dr Derek Stringer is our communicator and Derek has been taking us through the amazing letter of Paul to the Galatians. Weve reached the fifth chapter and verses 19 to 21. DS And I hope that youll not be put off if I say that this information is some of the most discouraging in the entire Bible, but also one of the most realistic. GNB Lets look at Galatians 5:19 to 21 The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Derek! DS Brenda, thank you. On the surface it is hard to imagine anything more depressing and discouraging than these three verses. Fifteen gross sins are listed, followed by a strong warning that those who practice such sins will not inherit the kingdom of God. GNB And some of you may be wondering, Is he really going to devote an entire message to these three verses? Why not combine them with the next three, which speak of the fruit of the Spirit. Then at least something uplifting and positive might result. DS Well, were going to get to verses 22-23 next time, and I think after enduring the sourness of todays text, the fruit of the Spirit will taste much sweeter. Before digging into the detail, however, I think there are a few general observations we need to make by way of an overview of the SIN or the S.I.N. Virus that stands for SERIOUSLY IN NEED virus! First, I want us to consider why Paul included this list of sins here in the book of Galatians. One reason seems to me to be an issue of balance. Pauls strong advocacy of grace as a life principle and his severe attacks against legalism could lead some to take sin lightly. These verses enable him to communicate not only that there are moral principles even for those living under grace, but also that persistent violation of the boundaries God has set, has severe, even eternal consequences. Some old writers knew the truth of this. Thomas Merton for example: The reason we never enter into the deepest reality of our relationship with God is that we so seldom acknowledge our utter nothingness before Him. GNB As George MacDonald: To be ashamed is a holy and blessed thing. Shame is shame only to those who want to appear, not to those who want to be. Shame is shame to those who want to pass their examination, not to those who would get to the heart of things. To be humbly ashamed is to be plunged in the cleansing bath of truth. DS And then In addition, it is one thing to know in general that there is a conflict between the sinful nature and the Spirit. It is quite another thing to be given a list of fifteen specific examples of the acts of the sinful nature and then a list of the fruit of the Spirit. God doesnt leave us wondering about the real difference between a life lived after the flesh and one lived after the Spirit. Furthermore, all of us are interested enough in saving face that, without such a list we would tend to think of the acts of the sinful nature only in terms of deeds we personally have not committed. And we would focus only on the fruit of the Spirit that seem to have counterparts in our own personalities. But these lists force us to face the fact that everyone of us has an active sinful nature, and everyone of us has room for major cultivation of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Also by way of overview I think we should take note of Pauls comment to the effect that The acts of the sinful nature are obvious. Obvious to whom? Apparently to anyone who is objective and honest. GNB In the past 25 years our modern culture has made great efforts to deny that many of these acts are even wrong. (sinful, of course, is not even in the cultures vocabulary). Sexual activity outside of marriage, for example, is considered by many modern psychotherapists, politicians, and even clergy to be perfectly acceptable. Standards not acceptable a few years ago are now routinely labelled a natural alternative lifestyle. Those who deal with drug addiction and alcoholism insist their clients are merely suffering from a disease. DS But the Scriptures deem all such behaviour to be acts of the sinful nature, (though certainly sin can, and often does, lead to disease). The media treats astrology as a harmless and perhaps even helpful way for people to find order in a chaotic world, but Paul says it, too, is an act of the sinful nature. Even we evangelicals play this game when we consider jealousy, envy, and a bad temper to be minor indiscretions or personality flaws we cant help, while God lumps such things together with idolatry and orgies, and calls them all the acts of the sinful nature. You know we can justify, excuse, and rationalise all we want, but despite all our efforts to hide the truth, the acts of the flesh are obvious. No matter how we dress them up, they are sin, and we know it in our hearts. GNB Now lets take the time to examine the acts of the sinful nature one by one, as enumerated by the Apostle. DS There are 15 deeds mentioned here in the NIV, 17 in the KJV, which adds adultery and murder. These two are not found in the oldest Greek manuscripts of our text and were probably added by a later scribe who thought two sins as nasty as adultery and murder surely deserved a place in Pauls list. The list, of course, was not meant to be exhaustive, and whether or not Paul himself wrote adultery and murders, he undoubtedly included them in the et cetera at the end of the list. As a matter of fact, virtually the entire Ten Commandments are missing from this list, though they also certainly deal with notorious acts of the sinful nature. Bible scholars often divide this list into four parts: sexual sins, religious sins, social sins, and sins related especially to alcohol. GNB There are the sexual sins. DS The first vice in the list is Immorality. The Greek word used here is the term porneia, from which we get our English word, pornography. It is a broad term which signifies sexual perversion in general. Almost any sexual act outside marriage would be included. Sin of this kind was so common in Pauls day that it was almost taken for granted. Even believers were not particularly shocked by it. I fear that we are fast approaching the same degree of apathy to sexual looseness in our own day. We are living in a sex-saturated society. Most major television programmes are built around a theme of sexual promiscuity, to say nothing of the best-seller list of fiction books or leading magazines or Oscar-nominated movies. And all this is impacting the church. I remember a magazine article entitled, Sex and the Single Evangelical. It contends the church is in denial about how its single evangelicals are having sex (which may be true), but then she goes on to suggest that the prohibition on premarital sex is just a church tradition, and is essentially unaddressed in Scripture. Frankly, I dont know how they can square that with the whole tenor of Scripture, to say nothing of specific passages like 1 Corinthians 6. However, with all these voices out there advocating sexual freedom, plus our inherent tendency toward the desires of the sinful nature, there is virtually no doubt there are individuals listening to me today who are right now living a double life of godliness on Sunday and immorality during the week. Perhaps there is someone who is presently carrying on an affair with a colleague at work. Almost certainly in a group as large as the group listening to me right now well there are some caught in the vice-grip of wrong actions. I would not even be surprised if there is a parent who is sexually abusing a child or a stepchild. Please, please dont pretend to be shocked-if this happened at Corinth and at Galatia, then it also happens at our Church. But while acknowledging the fact that it is happening, we dare not take a blasà © attitude toward it. Please be informed that those who practice such things, according to this very passage, shall not inherit the kingdom of God. They are not destined for heaven. Thats what God says. But possibly some of you have never been guilty of an explicit sexual sin. You are still not necessarily off the hook. For the second vice mentioned is Impurity. It refers to a filthiness of heart and mind that corrupts and defiles a person. The impure person sees dirt in everything. GNB Double-entendres are his forte. He is described in Titus 1:15: To the pure, all things are pure. But to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled. The impure person is also described in 2 Peter 2:14 as one having eyes full of adultery. DS You know Many Christian men who wouldnt think of having an actual affair, nevertheless think nothing of walking down the street with their eyes at breast level. We men in particular need to be so careful what we read, what we watch, and especially what websites we visit on the computer. If you find yourself susceptible to temptation, flee as Joseph did. A simple way to flee internet temptation is to use an internet provider with an adequate filtering system. But women, too, are not exempt. Filling your minds with romance novels and soap operas are equivalent to saturating yourself with impurity. If its filthy, its not of the Spirit; its an act of the sinful nature, and those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God. The third vice in the sexual area, Debauchery or sensuality is a broad term covering everything from provocative clothing to shameless disregard for public decency. Sensuality is the byword for the bulk of advertising done in our country today. The clothing industry thrives on it, as does the entertainment industry, the travel industry, and the music industry. In denouncing sensuality, Paul is not suggesting that beauty and attractiveness are out of bounds for Christian people. But everyone of us knows in our hearts the difference between beauty and sensuality-its the difference between Michelangelos statue of David and the Playgirl centrefold. You can stand next to that incredible statue of David in Florence, in the presence of dozens of men, women, and children, with no sense of shame-only awe. It exudes beauty, not sensuality. GNB Pauls first three entries among the acts of the sinful nature should not be interpreted as implying a negative attitude toward sex. DS Thats so right Sexuality is God-given and beautiful, but when exercised outside the bounds of marriage, it can be incredibly self-destructive. And those who practice sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery (or sensuality) shall not inherit the kingdom of God. GNB Next there are the religious sins. DS Idolatry. There are many places in the Bible where idolatry is ridiculed. GNB In the 44th chapter of Isaiah the prophet says, All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. . . . He cuts down cedars, or perhaps a cypress or oak. . . . Half of the wood he burns in the fire; over it he prepares his meal, he roasts his meat and eats his fill. He also warms himself and says, Ah! I am warm; I see the fire. From the rest he makes a god, his idol; he bows down to it and worships. He prays to it and says, Save me; you are my god. They know nothing. They understand nothing; ; their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see, and their minds closed so they cannot understand. DS But the worship of idols involves not only graven images but also any substitute for the living and true God. GNB In Colossians 3:5 covetousness is described as a form of idolatry, because the thing coveted becomes an object of worship. DS The Christian who devotes more of himself to his car, house or boat than he does to serving Christ may be in danger of idolatry. We are commanded in Scripture to worship God, love people, and use things; but too often we use people, love self, and worship things, leaving God completely out of the picture. The important thing to note here is that false worship is every bit as much a work of the sinful nature as adultery. And those who practice idolatry shall not inherit the kingdom of God. The second religious act of the sinful nature is Witchcraft or sorcery. The Greek word Paul uses here is the one from which we get out English word pharmacy. It referred to the use of drugs to poison people, as well as in witchcraft. Magic and sorcery were extremely common in Asia Minor, where the Galatian churches were located. GNB In Acts 19:19 we read that due to Pauls ministry in nearby Ephesus, A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. DS The Bible forbids anything related to magic, fortune-telling, astrology or contact with the spirit world. Perhaps a specific comment relative to astrology and horoscopes would be in order, since many people are conned into thinking it is a harmless and sometimes even helpful way to plan for the future and to make decisions. At best it is a foolish waste of time and money. More often it is a subtle trap that Satan uses to undermine ones faith in Gods active sovereignty over human affairs. At worst it makes one vulnerable to demonic influences. GNB Let me quote just one of many passages in the Bible that speak to this issue. Im reading from Deuteronomy 18: When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who . . .practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord. DS Those who practice idolatry and witchcraft or sorcery will not inherit the kingdom of God. So much for the religious sins. The social sins are more numerous. If the first two categories didnt get you, then this one probably will, for the vices listed here are very common, even among professing Christians. But theyre no less serious just because theyre common. Hatred refers to hostility between individuals or communities, whether on social, political, racial, or religious grounds. The attitude of those who stir up racial hatred is here. So is hatred for gays, for abortionists, and even for politicians. One can disagree strongly with a persons view or lifestyle, but hatred of that person is forbidden. The second act of the sinful nature that fits in the social realm, or perhaps I should say anti-social realm is Discord. This is the natural result when hatred is acted upon. Whether the discord occurs in Northern Ireland or Jerusalem or London, it is the end result of hatred. GNB Some homes are characterised by discord, as the hatred and contempt of one family member for another boils over in fighting and feuding. DS But interestingly, four out of the six times Paul uses this word in his epistles, it is connected with church life. Some churches, unfortunately, are characterised by strife. Fights and splits are typical fare, and the world watches and wonders, Is this what Christianity is all about? I prayed all my ministry life that God would spare the church I pastored from the discord that leads to a church split. God was gracious and answered that prayer. The next act mentioned is the word Jealous. And its not always a vice. In fact, God is called a jealous God in the Scriptures and even gives as one of His names, Jealous. GNB And we are urged to be jealous for Gods honour and for Gods name. DS But here it is obvious the intention is to speak of selfish jealousy, that attitude which resents the success enjoyed by someone else. This, too, occurs in the church, when one person is asked to do a ministry that someone else wanted, or when one member has an unusual degree of success in business. Then there are Fits of rage. Losing ones temper and blowing a gasket are not excusable because your hair is red or because someone around you is especially irritating or because thats just the way you are. Its a work of the sinful nature, and those that practice outbursts of anger shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Another act of the sinful nature in social situations is Selfish ambition. The term used here signifies a mercenary spirit which withholds ministry or service from someone if there isnt enough money in it. Pastors who choose speaking engagements solely on the basis of where the larger honoraria are given are guilty of this vice. GNB A cartoon in Leadership Journal years ago showed a Christian musician standing before an adoring audience about to sing a beautiful worship song he had written himself. The caption has him saying something like this: The Lord gave me this song, and if anyone uses it without my permission, Ill sue you. DS A spirit of selfish ambition, to be sure. But so is the attitude of a layperson who refused to serve in the church because it would interfere with his moneymaking ability. The next word is Dissensions. Its a term with strong doctrinal overtones, and refers principally to the introduction of divisive teaching in the church. GNB The legalists in Galatia were a prime example. DS And there are many in the church today who are teaching doctrines, some absolutely false and others just distortions, which keep people from focusing on truths that exalt Christ and build up believers. In fact, I believe even solid truth can sometimes be taught in a way that produces dissension. The doctrine of election, for example, is a doctrine I highly value, but if it is not taught carefully, it can be unnecessarily divisive. The next word (Number 12) is Factions. It goes a step further than dissensions. In fact, it is the natural result of divisive teaching, in that a party spirit develops and the Body of Christ is split into groups-one of which champions a particular teacher or leader, while another champions someone else. GNB Paul experienced this in Corinth, where he chided the church with these words: One of you says, I follow Paul; another, I follow Apollos; another, I follow Cephas still another (and this was the super-spiritual group), I follow Christ. Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptised into the name of Paul DS I believe cliques are a common manifestation of this vice of factions. Oh, how we need to be careful not to isolate ourselves with our little group of friends! Nothing will destroy the spirit of unity in a church more quickly. Young people, this includes you. Sometimes youth groups are extremely difficult for new kids to break into because of the cliques that exist. Its an act of the sinful nature. Next Envy is closely related to the earlier concept of jealousy, only this term, in contrast to jealousy, is always negative. It is the grudging spirit that cannot bear to contemplate someone elses prosperity. GNB Christ gave a parable in which some of the workmen complained that the last-hired worker had been over- generously paid. The owner of the vineyard replied, Do you begrudge my generosity? DS Those guilty of envy do indeed. Having examined the social sins that deal with interpersonal relations, lets consider two that are common to drinking alcohol. Drunkenness is excessive indulgence in alcohol, which weakens ones rational and moral control over actions and words. There is undoubtedly less excuse for the abuse of alcohol in our society today than even in the Galatian society of the first century, for drinking wine in those days was almost essential, whereas today it is always by choice. No one today has to drink at all-the alternatives are numerous and often more healthy. The simple reason why abuse of alcohol is such a problem today is social pressure. Too many people think theyll stick out like a sore thumb if they ask for a soft drink. But, you ask, cant one drink without abuse? Certainly, and many do. Drinking is not in itself a spiritual issue-drunkenness is-but drinking is certainly a social issue that must be examined carefully by Christian people. Many need to ask the question, Is the minor enhancement of life that moderate use of alcohol provides worth the major risk of abuse that so subtly and frequently results? Remember that those who practice drunkenness will not inherit the kingdom of God. Then he mentions Orgies or carousings which often accompany drunkenness. In fact, rarely, do these occur without alcohol, for the lowering of ones natural inhibitions with alcohol is generally a pre-requisite before most people will even participate in grossly immoral behaviour. GNB Fifteen vices have been listed. DS But then the Apostle adds an et cetera, for in verse 21 he ends his list with the phrase, and the like. What he doesnt want us to do is to think of the acts of the sinful nature just in terms of these 15 vices, with the implication that if you avoid all 15 of these, youve got it made spiritually. These are only representative of the kinds of actions that generate from our natural, in-born tendency toward sin. GNB We need to hear this even if its tough to do so its information from the Word of God here on Word Alive with Dr Derek Stringer. And we must also evaluate the acts of the sinful nature. And Derek will be back in a moment to help us do just that. I just want to take this opportunity to let you know that we are praying for you our listener. If we can be of help spirituality well thats what were here for. Word Alive is not just about giving biblical information but seeing it lead to spiritual transformation. I give you our contact details in just a moment but let me hand the microphone over to Derek Stringer as he wraps up this teaching from Galatians 5:19 to 21. Over to Derek DS Thanks again Brenda. What we find at the conclusion of the Apostles list is a severe warning. I warn you, he says, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. The first thing we should ask is this: To whom is this warning addressed? Well, theres no question that Paul is talking to the professing Christians who were members of the churches of Galatia. Most of them were probably genuine believers, but as in any church, there were undoubtedly some who were just going through religious motions. Many of these church members had come to Christ out of paganism, where their lives had been controlled by sinful habits. Some of them had practiced fornication as a religious duty in the pagan temples. Sorcery had been as common as weather forecasting. Naturally, not all of these nasty habits disappeared overnight when they professed faith in Christ. Some struggled with particular sinful addictions, or at least temptations, for some time. I would like to suggest that it was because some of these former pagans were struggling that the Judaizers had been so successful in introducing their legalism into the churches. I can just hear them say, You Galatians have tried grace as a way of conquering your baser instincts; but the only sure way of putting a lid on sin is going back under the Law of Moses! Paul, of course, disagrees strongly that the Law has any power to conquer such habits, but instead of reiterating what he has already shared as the real answer (namely the life of grace as it is walked in the power of the Holy Spirit), he hits them with a stunning warning, namely that the Kingdom of God is not going to be populated by people who commit immoral deeds, hate other people, lose their tempers, or get drunk. Now, if youre a normal, intelligent and inquisitive person, you probably are not willing to let the matter lie with that simple statement of Pauls theology. For numerous questions invade ones mind as to the meaning of this severe warning. Does this verse teach that anyone who has ever committed one immoral act or gotten smashed or acted jealously is excluded forever from Heaven? Or rather that those who do such things after conversion are excluded? Or that those who do such things and refuse to repent are excluded? Or that those who practice such things continually are excluded? Probably most of us would tend to choose the latter option, because we are anxious to preserve one of our favourite doctrines-the security of the believer. I too agree with the last option, but not for that reason. The Apostle is, in my estimation, fighting the very common tendency to divorce morality from religion. GNB There are many who feel that whats important is just what people believe, not how they behave. DS One or two of you may have even thought thats what I believe, for probably no fewer than a dozen times over the past programmes I have stated, We are saved by believing, not by achieving. Yes, I said that, and I believe that, but I never said that behaviour is unimportant-just that it can never save you. Anyone who thinks he can run around on his wife, get drunk at every office party, and practice road rage every night, and still go to Heaven so long as his beliefs are orthodox, has missed Pauls point regarding our freedom in Christ completely. A Christian should never view his relationship with God as a free ticket to sin, but rather as a compulsion to forsake sin. Both our beliefs and our behaviour are important to God, and we dare not divorce them. In fact, we cant divorce them, even if we try. GNB We behave the way we behave because we believe the way we believe. DS I think thats true. If we live sinful lives its because we really dont believe God hates sin and that He will some day judge those who do it. We may say we believe it, but we really dont. Now its very important to pay attention to the verb used in v. 21: GNB those who live like this. DS The word is in the present tense and is used often to mean practice. This passage says that one whose life is characterized by these acts of the sinful nature will not inherit Gods Kingdom. It doesnt matter what profession he has made. It doesnt matter what aisles he has walked or at what altars he has kneeled. It doesnt matter what spiritual experiences he has had or even whom he may have led to Christ. If these kinds of deeds describe his life-style, then he will not inherit the Kingdom of God, Thus says the Lord. His attitudes and actions contradict the profession he makes that he has experienced the saving grace of God and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Would that when we meet one of these severe warnings of Scriptures we would not immediately ask, How does this fit with eternal security?, but rather respond as Jesus disciples did when told that one of them would betray Him, Lord, is it I? Lord, are you talking about me? Finally, I would like to mention just a couple of implications of this severe warning. First, I do not believe anyone whose life is characterised by these acts of the sinful nature has the luxury of claiming to be a Christian. I am not the one to judge whether hes saved, lost, or just backslidden, but I do say that he has no right to claim hes a child of God when his life denies it. I have had individuals contact me, who were at the time living in gross sin, tell me, Well, at least I know Im a Christian. And I have had to say, Im sorry, but I think thats blasphemy. You have no right to make such a claim while youre living like that. A final implication is that while the entire book of Galatians has emphasised that we cannot inherit Gods kingdom by works, verse 21 says in effect that we can bar ourselves from Gods kingdom by works. Good works, in other words, cant get you into heaven, but works of the sinful nature can send you to Hell. All around us are evil influences threatening to drown us in the actions of the sinful nature. But I find hope offered to us in the Word of God. Brenda! GNB In a very similar passage in 1 Corinthians 6 this same Apostle wrote, Dont you know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy no drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. DS Notice the tense of that verb when he says, And that is what some of you were. Paul would never have written, And that is what some of you are, for Christian adulterer is an oxymoron; so is Christian thief and Christian drunk. But the use of the past tense shows that God can turn people around. The greatest thing about Christianity is that a personal relationship with Christ can turn a mans present habits into history. There is no life too gross and too filled with the acts of the sinful nature that Jesus Christ cant make a past tense out of it. The only person unredeemable is the one whose heart is too proud to seek Gods forgiveness. GNB Are you one who is in need of the warning of this Scripture passage today? DS Yes Are you, as one who professes to be a Christian, involved in practicing one or more of these sins listed here? If so, your ultimate concern should not be to debate whether you real
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Philosophy Plan Essay
Observing teachers is a great way to see the day to day operations of what goes into the setting of the class. Within the first few months of school, by then the students should have a good understanding of the expectations of the class. It is important to realize that the teacher trains the students what the rules and expectations are from day one in their classroom. These rules and expectations come from their classroom management plan. There are many reasons a child may misbehave. It could be special needs, lack of attention, or even circumstances at home. The fact of the matter is that they are allowed to. Sometimes it seems that as adults we tend to allow student to do as they want with the hope of the situation be handled by someone else. How a child behaves actually goes back on the parents and the raising of the child. Culture and family dynamics could also play a role as well. I know that some people may say that they do not want to become their own parents, but they have. Some raise their children to respect the rules and consequences of their actions, while others raise their children with no rules and consequences at all. â€Å"The methods and strategies an educator uses to maintain a classroom environment to be conducive to learning and success†is defined as classroom management. (Jones, 2000). In my personal beliefs I think that a plan needs to be consisted of rules and procedures, as well as expectations for the students when entering the classroom. In the event of visitors in the classroom these rules and expectations should be followed also. In the classroom management plan there needs to be consequences that ate clear, understood, and enforced effectively. To me teachers should spend more time spending on teaching the students rather than mismanaging them, so that they can effectively learn. It takes time to teacher students the information that they need to know for the school year and prior to the next year. Teachers only have 180 days to teach the required information to the students with the assurance that the get it. A classroom management plan affects everyone. It can change the way students walk into the classroom, how a teacher does their job and how visitors act when they come to visit. I have seen this happen in an Elementary school, I have observed it. One class was quietly walking down the hallway and another class was using outside, loud voices. It was interesting the reaction some students had to the differences within the two classes. My philosophy on classroom management came from my schooling and personal observations. I do not have a physical classroom yet, but have seen many different styles each teacher uses when in the classroom. The theoretical perspective that best describes my personal philosophy is the personal needs theory. Stanley Coopersmith discussed â€Å"that individuals need to experience a sense of significance, competence, and power†(Jones & Jones, 2010, p. 33). I believe that it is important that a student trust and builds a positive rapport or relationship with you. I believe that students, who trust and believe in their teacher, with this the student, may tend to work harder and it gives the student the belief that they can accomplish any task. When a level of trust and relationship is developed, it gives the students ownership or pride in their classroom. Any teacher has personal theories and needs in their class, it is important to build that trust or a classroom management plan could fall apart in no time at all. I believe that my personal philosophy will play a role in my actual plan, but I also need to realize that I may have to adjust it as I begin to teach. The adjustment may have to happen as I get a new set of students each year or even once I get certain students who may need me to adjust my plan. My philosophy is just a foundation to my ultimate plan for success with my students. Adjustments are a daily part of all teachers, even the best ones, as they go forward. All these adjustments are in the best interest on the students. My personal philosophy, I believe is an important one. I believe that students need to realize that everything is not always fair in life. I believe that students need to understand that actions in life also have rewards and consequences. I also believe that it is also important to teach students that everyone has the same opportunities and only we, as individually, can make the most of ourselves.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Pestle Factors Essay
PESTEL analysis stands for â€Å"Political, Economic, Social, and Technological, Environmental and Legal analysis†. It is a part of the external analysis when conducting a strategic analysis or doing market research and gives a certain overview of the different macro-environmental factors that the company has to take into consideration. Political factors or how and to what degree a government intervenes in the economy. Specifically, political factors include areas such as tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Political factors may also include goods and services which the government wants to provide or be provided and those that the government does not want to be provided. Furthermore, governments have great influence on the health, education, and infrastructure of a nation. Economic factors – Businesses need to make money to continue to exist. They do this by listening to customers to ensure they keep their customers and attract new ones with good services that customers want and need. It is extremely important for businesses to respond to changes in demand from customers. They include economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and the inflation rate. These factors have major impacts on how businesses operate and make decisions. For example, interest rates affect a firm’s cost of capital and therefore to what extent a business grows and expands. Exchange rates affect the costs of exporting goods and the supply and price of imported goods in an economy. Social factors – Society’s habits and tastes are changing. People are more aware of the importance of the environment and becoming ‘green consumers’. Green consumers prefer goods and services that are ‘environmentally-friendly’ and which have less impact on the environment. They include the cultural aspects and include health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Trends in social factors affect the demand for a company’s products and how that company operates. For example, an ageing population may imply a smaller and less-willing workforce (thus increasing the cost of labor). Furthermore, companies may change various management strategies to adapt to these social trends (such as recruiting older workers). Technological factors – Businesses are continually developing new technologies to provide the best solutions for the market place. Intelligent companies find out what the most appropriate technologies are for their businesses and use them. They include ecological and environmental aspects, such as R&D activity, automation, technology incentives and the rate of technological change. They can determine barriers to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. Furthermore, technological shifts can affect costs, quality, and lead to innovation. Environmental factors – include weather, climate, and climate change, which may especially affect industries such as tourism, farming, and insurance. Furthermore, growing awareness to climate change is affecting how companies operate and the products they offer-it is both creating new markets and diminishing or destroying existing ones. Legal factors – Legal changes that affect business are closely tied up with political ones. Many changes in the law stem from government policy. They include discrimination law, consumer law, antitrust law, employment law, and health and safety law. These factors can affect how a company operates, its costs, and the demand for its products.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
A Brief Note On Rural And Semi Urban - 2282 Words
Urban people are more conscious about guaranteed return, semi urban have less confidence on transparency and money back in time. 3. Do you have any Insurance? 150 100 50 0 urban semi-urban no yes 4. Which type of insurance you have taken 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 semi-urban urban semi-urban private your occupation urban semi-urban urban government business term life insurance saving or investment retired plan child insurance income insurance Whether urban or semi-urban, normal term insurance is taken in majority by both government and private employees. Government employees are more interested in Investment and Retired plan in compare of Private employees. Private employees are keen to income insurance. 5. Name of company of which you have taken insurance 24 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Series1 Series2 This is combined of both urban and semi urban respondents. 6. How do you know about your current policy? 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 urban semi-urban In urban market Internet plays most important role to make awareness of product otherwise in semi-urban areas, word of mouth and references of relative and friends is most salient. Even it has been seen that in semi urban areas people purchase insurance because of pressure from relatives and their seniors in job. 7. Have you heard about IDBI Federal life Insurance? 25 80 70 60 50 yes 40 30 20 10 0 urban semi-urban no can t say 75 out of 100 urban respondents and 57 out of 100 semi-urban respondents haveShow MoreRelatedThe Association Between Differential Association Theory and Burglary1358 Words  | 6 Pagesa Type 1 Index Crime because of its potentially violent nature. The FBI breaks burglary down into three sub-classifications. This paper discusses the elements of the crime of burglary and what constitutes a structure or dwelling. 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