Monday, February 3, 2020

Environmental sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Environmental sustainability - Essay Example With a surplus of paper in the market of China, excess paper in Britain became very problematic (The Mail on Sunday 2009, 1). As stated by the representative of the Environment Agency: â€Å"We are expecting the market to bounce back in the next month or so. We want people to hold their nerve—we don’t have the space in landfill if people stop recycling. We can’t lose sight of that in the face of this temporary blip in the market† (The Mail on Sunday 2009, 1). Activists all over Britain have expressed anxiety over the tons of glut recycling mounting up on a national scale. This paper hence discusses the methods of recycling paper. The next section is a thorough review of literature about the increasing necessity and existing methods of recycling paper. The third section is a critical evaluation of the methods of recycling paper. The fourth section presents the possible future developments in paper recycling in the UK. And the last section wraps up the entir e discussion. Literature Review Paper recycling has become ever more imperative over the recent decades, especially for developed countries like the U.S. and the UK. The motivators for this change involve governmental and ecological factors. In paper production, the method of drying brings about structural alterations in the paper filaments, which lessens the consequent bonding capacity of the filaments and avoids rehydration (Limbachiya, Newlands & Dhir 2001). Enhanced purifying, while reviving the capacity to bond, has a negative impact on the looseness and capacity of the soft tissue to dry (Limbachiya et al. 2001). The review of literature below illustrates these concerns with paper recycling methods. An extensive review of literature on the features and functions of paper mill sediment was amassed. This is a vital issue because management of waste is important to paper mills. This issue is particularly important for paper mills where in derivative fibre is applied (McKinney 199 4). Methods of disposal, treatment, segregation, and contents of sediments have to be dealt with. A number of studies examined the contents of sediments stemming from the process of paper production and pulp and explored the similarities and differences between virgin filament and derivative filament methods (Limbachiya et al. 2001). The deposit from independent methods was described, suggesting the content of the different waste flows in the paper mill. Other methods of disposal were also reviewed in accordance with these features. The assumption of several studies was that the ultimate sediment use may be derived from its composition, leading to more productive application of the deposit. An analysis of the existing technology for fractionation of filament is also conducted by several studies (McKinney 1994). Available tools for processing of filament fractionation is explored alongside the qualities of collected paper that are regarded fit for fractionation. Due to the fact that filament fractions usually have uniquely different characteristics, they respond distinctly to the different processes like purifying or blanching (Rader 1995). Other studies discuss the features of the fractions, fractionation design, other

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