Friday, March 6, 2020

Task Group Proposal (Write a proposal for any of the 3 types of groups covered in the Groups Communication Class)

Task Group Proposal (Write a proposal for any of the 3 types of groups covered in the Groups Communication Class) Task Group ProposalOrganization of a Gay and Lesbian Students Club atXYZ Community College (XYZ)1. The Task Group will meet the first and third Wednesday of March, April, and May 2005. The meetings will be held from 4.30pm to 6.00 pm in Conference Room 216 on the second floor of XYZ Library. All meetings are closed to the public with the exception of the meeting scheduled for April 6, 2005. The public will be invited to offer input during this meeting.The group's purpose is to:a. Discuss and write Bylaws for the proposed Gay and Lesbian Students Club.b. Create a meeting and activities schedule for the upcoming semester for the proposed club.c. Forward the completed Bylaws and schedule for approval to the Student Activities Coordinator, Student Activities Executive Board, and Administrative Council, as outlined in the Guidelines for Prospective College-Sponsored Clubs or Organizations.2. The Task Group will include four self-identified gay or lesbian XYZ students, Ms.Journal of the Ga y and Lesbian Medical AssociationJane Doe acting as advisor to the group, and one representative from ABC University's Gay and Lesbian Organization LAMBDA to offer input from an already established gay and lesbian college organization.3. The objectives of this task group are to create a new club that will enhance student life by offering a club to students that may not feel comfortable joining other clubs due to their sexual orientation. Learning will take place as group members share their expectations in the proposed club and talk about possible activities they desire to include in the club's schedule.4. Members may feel overwhelmed by having to write Bylaws for the proposed club, if this is something they have never done before. Group members may also fear what impact participation in this group may have on their college life; for example, fear...

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